Geir Horn


Geir Horn


  • Thanks for the answers! Cross-referencing is possible but not feasible since it is a manual operation that you can only do once the citations are frozen for the camera ready manuscript. A proper cross reference would be good, but not necessary since…
  • OK, so then I stand corrected, but can we have a footnote on first use and as superscript number if the same reference is used again? It seems that CSL is capable of doing IF-statements, so it should be possible to use the same mechanism used by Nat…
  • Well, it should be possible. The Nature style does this correctly updating the numeric footnote marker to equal the number used for the first citation of a reference. However, the Nature style does not print the footnote. What we are looking for her…
  • OK, it seems that you have found the solution. Otherwise, I would recommend that you try to comment out the two first packages (% in front) and load the only the two I suggested. At least the second one since that is the "inputenc" package I a…
  • The question is: do you really need this? The point is that the BibTeX versions I have used all accept Unicode characters in in the text fields (but not in the tags, so that is why it was good to be able to define the tags in the "Short Title" field…
  • Thanks for the hint! Will do! It has been working very well until the crash today - intense use in two weeks. After the crash there was one minor error in one entry, and Zotero impressed me again by detecting this when synchronising with the on…
  • Thanks, Dan! However, I did some debugging myself helped by advice in other threads reporting the same problem - and first checked the database with the "sqlite3" command shell (, starting "sqlite3 zotero.sq…
  • Sorry, but I am running FF 3.6.20 and there is no devtools.errorconsole.enabled. [I know I should upgrade, but I can not upgrade to FF 4 because of other job related plug-ins that do not work (yet) with FF4] Any other ideas?
  • I have submitted a bug report with ID D331170344 for this as follows: (3)(+0000000): Using data directory P:\Literature\Bibliography (3)(+0000001): Opening database 'zotero' (3)(+0013374): Getting Zotero sync password (3)(+0000004): Opening data…
  • @CPLuser: Thanks a million!!!! This was a serious problem for me! I was retrofitting Zotero on a big project where I have already 250 citations, and I have spent almost a day searching for the old BibTeX keys manually defined and replacing them…
  • After an evaluation of Mendalay and Zotero I ended up with Zotero for the simple reason that I have already a huge archive of well-organised PDFs and Zotero's automatic retrieve metadata rather gives up on a file than give me downright nonsense. …